Bones are famously associated with dogs, but they can present serious health and safety issues when used incorrectly. Before you throw your dog a bone, here are a few tips on how to use dog bones safely.
Sometimes leash laws can feel frustrating, and you might ask yourself, "why can't I just let my dog be a dog and run around?" But leash laws exist to keep dogs and everyone else safe. Read on to learn more about leash laws and why they matter for you, your dog, and everyone else.
Here at Dog Training Elitein Katy, TX, we know that summer is the perfect time to adventure with your dog. However, summer can also be dangerous for dogs. Follow our tips to keep your dog happy and healthy during the dog days of summer.
No one knows your dog like you do, and it can be stressful to think about leaving your loyal pup with someone new. Thankfully, there are several reputable websites and apps out there which do background checks on dog sitters, so you can find someone trustworthy to take care of your dog.
Ah, spring. That wonderful time of year when the flowers begin blooming, the sun sets later than 7 p.m., the birds sing and…your dog sheds more than ever. Here are some tips and tricks from Dog Training Elite in Katy to prepare your pet for spring!
Ah, Valentine’s Day. A day totally dedicated to celebrating love. And what better love to celebrate than the unconditional love between you and your dog? Here are seven ways to let your pup know they are loved on this holiday.
Unless you are an avid outdoor enthusiast or – dare we say it, someone who LOVES winter, you may find it difficult to get outdoors when the weather is cold. Here, we've compiled a list of activities to try with your dog if a long walk in the cold doesn't sound appealing.
If your dog is part of the family it can be tempting to let them have whatever they want on such a special occasion. However, there are lots of Thanksgiving foods that aren’t safe for dogs. In fact, vets see a lot of pets around the holidays due to dogs being fed unsafe foods.
You and your canine companion really can have it all. See how easy it can be to become a member of the elite pup society by requesting a free consultation today!