Bringing home a new puppy is exciting, but it also comes with challenges like chewing and accidents. The most common mistake new owners make is underestimating the knowledge, commitment, and effort needed to train a new puppy.
Once a puppy begins to grow, its energy can quickly feel unmanageable. It’s all too common that a well-meaning and loving family takes on a puppy lacking the knowledge and skills to train correctly. This often results in overwhelmed owners rehoming or taking these puppies to local shelters, feeling the puppy’s disposition is bad or simply that they are not cut out to be dog owners.
At Dog Training Elite, we focus on building that bond through effective training to foster trust and communication. Our experienced Katy puppy trainers use proven methods to help you and your puppy succeed together.
See Training PackagesOur trusted puppy class is now available "on-demand" from the comfort of your home! This webinar video is designed for owners of puppies age 8-16 weeks old, and will be accessible to you for free after completing the form below or with the purchase of one of our puppy packages!
Access WebinarAlmost everyone and everything a puppy will encounter will be brand new, which can be exciting. However, puppies may not know how to respond positively and safely to new experiences without proper training. That's why Dog Training Elite believes in starting puppy training as soon as possible, so you and your pup can bond and start your adventures on the right foot!
Training the DTE way provides puppies and owners with a nurturing environment where they can learn to communicate and trust each other. Puppies have an innate desire to please, so training can be fun and even easy! Of course, it can be daunting to try and figure out how to make puppies understand concepts like potty training or commands like sit and stay on your own. That's where puppy training comes in.
Keeping a puppy safe should be the number one priority of new dog owners. By working with puppy trainers in, new puppy owners can learn how to teach their pup both basic and complex obedience skills effectively. Training a pup to be home alone, walk on a leash, wait on the threshold, and avoid consuming non-edible objects will help keep them safe when out of sight.
You and your canine companion really can have it all. See how easy it can be to become a member of the elite pup society by requesting a free consultation today!
Dog Training Elite Katy offers comprehensive in-home training. For the first 4-6 weeks, trainers use “treat training” before moving onto more advanced puppy training. Puppies will learn the following behaviors:
Trainers will also help owners learn about the following:
Training a puppy can feel overwhelming. By pairing you with a professional trainer, not only will your puppy learn quickly, but you will feel confident and empowered to continue training your puppy after the sessions are completed. Training in your own home will help you bond with your pup so even after the professional trainer leaves, you and Fido can continue to progress together.
First-time dog owners are often unsure of when to begin training their dogs. For the best results, it’s essential to start training your puppy as soon as possible. You can start socialization and basic commands as soon as you bring your new puppy home. Puppies are open to new experiences and people and learn quickly while they are young. It is beneficial to take advantage of this stage. Start with basic commands like "down," "come," and "stay." If you are searching for classes, Dog Training Elite offers puppy obedience classes.
We have developed a highly successful and unique positive puppy training program empowering dog owners to train. Hence, their dog knows who to obey at all times, in all situations or environments. We offer personalized training to deal with specific issues and behaviors. We even offers customized training schedules to offer you the support you need as a dog owner.
Most dog training programs don’t allow for the involvement of owners and families. Our trainers greatly encourage owners and their families to be involved in the training process. Why? This ensures you and your family know what’s expected, allows for continued education and means all the progress isn’t lost. Your puppy won’t come home and forget everything he’s learned.
Our puppy training program consists of two phases, early training and advanced training. Puppies as young as eight weeks can begin learning with Dog Training Elite Katy. Our process allows us to efficiently complete in-home puppy training services at your home or within the environment where behaviors manifest - such as in the park or around other dogs in the neighborhood.
We use a positive puppy training method paired with an electronic collar - not a shock collar. Unlike shock collars, electronic collars do not hurt or harm the pup. They are used only to obtain their attention, not to punish bad behavior. We believe in using constant praise to encourage good behavior. The difference becomes apparent when comparing a puppy trained out of fear to a puppy who truly desires to please.
Positive reinforcement is the best option in puppy training. Punishments will only scare your dog, and fear can lead to aggression problems later in life. Our trainers use a classical conditioning program focusing on positive reinforcement of basic commands.
Dogs are eager to please. When they learn following basic commands results in affection or a treat, they will be happy to do as you ask. With patience - and the assistance of a professional puppy trainer - you'll be rewarded with a lifelong loyal pal.
We base our training around the "Classical Conditioning" model, also known as the "Pavlovian" response or "respondent conditioning." This means developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands, so when the owner says "sit," the dog automatically sits without thinking. Our unique technique ensures our program is a success no matter what behavior we encounter.
Contact us today to learn more about our training programs !
Training is a great way to establish a deep, loyal bond with your puppy. Outside of your training sessions, there is more you can do to strengthen your bond. Here are some more tips for how to bond with your puppy: