A happy, well trained dog from Dog Training Elite, your trusted source for dog training in Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County star

Donde La Educación
y La Excelencia se Unen

Métodos de élite. Resultados de élite.

Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County

We offer in Home & Facility Training Options
4104 Okeechobee Rd.

Ft. Pierce, FL 34947
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County

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El Arte de Adiestramiento Canino

Transforma a tu cachorro con Dog Training Elite

En Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County, no solo somos entrenadores de perros, somos tus aliados en la creación de una vida más feliz y armoniosa con tu querido compañero canino. A través de programas cuidadosamente diseñados y entrenadores expertos, Dog Training Elite garantiza que cada cachorro desarrolle habilidades excepcionales.

Como la mejor opción para la modificación de comportamiento para perros en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, estamos dedicados a transformar a tu peludo amigo en un campeón de obediencia y un compañero fiel para tu familia.

About DTE Treasure Coast

Nuestra Historia

Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County

Somos una empresa familiar de adiestramiento canino con más de 40 años de experiencia, especializada en fortalecer la conexión entre tu perro y tú.

Nuestros programas son flexibles y están diseñados para adaptarse a las necesidades de cada cliente y al comportamiento único de tu perro. Ofrecemos entrenamiento canino a domicilio, obediencia básica, entrenamiento avanzado y programas especializados como: Animal de Servicio, Perro de Terapia y Protección Personal.

Sin importar la raza, tamaño o problema de comportamiento, nuestros Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie entrenadores de perros están aquí para ayudarte.

Sobre nosotros

Nuestros Servicios

Modificación del comportamiento

Miedo y reactividad, mordeduras, ladridos y más.

Programas de entrenamiento

Obediencia, servicio, clases grupales y más.

Nuestro equipo


La solución a los problemas de comportamiento de tus mascotas.

¡Estamos listos para nuestras grandes transformaciones!

Queridos papás perrunos, somos el escuadrón de los traviesos, también conocidos como los creadores del caos canino. Hemos mordido zapatos, cavado huecos y reclamado tu casa como nuestro propio dominio personal, alejándote más con cada travesura que cometemos. No solo se trata de accidentes en el entrenamiento para ir al baño; ¡hemos destacado en causar todo tipo de conmoción!

Pero aquí va lo bueno: ¡estamos dispuestos a aprender y listos para nuestra gran transformación! Ayúdanos a ser las buenas mascotas con las que siempre has soñado al contratar a Dog Training Elite. Ellos nos guiarán con métodos de entrenamiento positivos, convirtiéndonos en los perritos bien portados y ejemplares que mereces. ¡Emprendamos juntos este viaje de felicidad y obediencia sin límites!

Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Mi problema:
mala socialización
Me llamo Milo
Hola. Me llamo Milo, verás, me encanta hacer nuevos amigos, pero cuando se trata de conocer a otros perros, me siento un poco abrumado. Creo que me gustaría salir más, a ver si así me voy acostumbrando y ya cada vez será más natural para mí hacer nuevos amigos.
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Mi problema:
mordiscos y mordeduras
Me llamo Scout
Hola a todos, me llamo Scout, y tengo la pequeña costumbre de morder, digo pequeña porque no es todo el tiempo. La verdad es que yo soy muy amoroso y feliz, pero a veces, mi emoción me supera y terminó con un mordisquito o dos y woof! La gente se asusta. Me gustaría aprender a no morder para que los demás se sientan seguros a mi alrededor.
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Mi problema:
agresión por miedo
Me llamo Zuko
Hola… yo me asusto cuando los extraños se acercan a mí, así que trato de ahuyentarlos para protegerme, a veces gruño, a veces ladro y así se van. Pero me he dado cuenta que esto preocupa a mis papás y me gustaría intentar hacer nuevos amigos y así estar todos más tranquilos, pero a veces mis instintos protectores me superan. ¿Pueden ayudarme?
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Mi problema:
ansiedad por separación
Me llamo Nora
Soy Nora, y escuché a los humanos hablando que estoy en el proceso de enfrentar algo llamado "ansiedad por separación." Yo ni sabía que eso tenía nombre. Pero ahora entiendo, es por eso que me pongo muy nerviosa cuando mis queridos humanos salen de casa. Me gustaría sentirme más segura por mi cuenta pero woof! Es que ¡los extraño tanto cuando se van!
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Mi problema:
Me llamo Link
¡Guau! Soy Link, y tengo un problemita pequeño, tengo una tendencia a ladrar más de lo necesario. Mis papás me trajeron aquí y me siento muy afortunado, quiero mantener la armonía en el ambiente pero a veces, simplemente no me puedo resistir a algunos sonidos o la llamada de la naturaleza o a la ardilla en la cerca del vecino, o algunos autos. ¿Hay alguna manera de quitar este impulso?
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Mi problema:
quieto y ven
Me llamo Dexter
Soy Dexter, confieso que cuando se trata de los comandos de "quieto" y "ven” mi espíritu aventurero y salvaje me lleva a desviarme, pero no lo hago con intención, es solo cuando estos comandos están en juego. Realmente me haría feliz aprender a escuchar y entender y así no meterme en problemas woof!
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Mi problema:
morder y cavar
Me llamo Charlie
Soy Charlie, y tengo un hobbie, aunque los humanos creen que es un problema: tengo mucha pasión por morder y cavar de manera destructiva. No me resisto a la tentación de morder muebles, puertas; a veces desenterrar tesoros ocultos del jardín y los traigo de vuelta a casa y la verdad es que yo sólo estoy probando la poderosa fuerza de mi mandíbula, mis dientes y además trayendo tesoros a casa! No entiendo por qué eso está mal. ¿Algún humano por aquí disponible para que me explique?
A line of dogs at one of Dog Training Elite group training classes.

Ofrecemos Clases Grupales

Habilidades Sociales y Desarrollo Continuo

La socialización es esencial para la vida de un perro, y las clases grupales regulares ayudan a fomentar interacciones y comportamientos positivos.

Programas de entrenamiento

Flexibles y personalizados para tu mascota

En Dog Training Elite, vamos más allá de la obediencia básica y entrenamos a los perros para que sobresalgan en situaciones del mundo real. Nuestros programas abarcan desde la preparación para perros de servicio hasta el entrenamiento de perros de terapia, enfocándonos en habilidades prácticas y de confianza.

Nuestro entrenamiento para perros en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL, hace que nuestros caninos estén preparados para desafíos del mundo real y enriquecer tu vida diaria. Nos enfocamos en crear lazos de amor y confianza duraderos, ayudando a tu perro a convertirse en un miembro más de la familia.

Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Entrenamiento de obediencia
Nuestro entrenamiento de obediencia para perros en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL está diseñado para enseñar comandos esenciales y reforzar el buen comportamiento, asegurando que tu perro sea educado en cualquier situación.
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Entrenamiento de cachorros
Nuestro entrenamiento de cachorros en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL construye un fuerte vínculo con tu cachorro ¡desde ya! enfocarse en la socialización temprana, comandos básicos y buen comportamiento es la clave de un perro bien portado.
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Entrenamiento para perros de servicio
Nuestro entrenamiento para perros de servicio en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL convierte a los perros en compañeros leales, entrenados para realizar tareas como recuperar objetos, proporcionar estabilidad o alertar sobre condiciones médicas.
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Entrenamiento para perros de terapia
Nuestro entrenamiento para perros de terapia en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL enseña a los perros a tener habilidades necesarias para apoyo emocional en diversos entornos. Estos perros entrenados nos ayudan con su compañía a manejar mejor el estrés, aliviar la ansiedad y aportan bienestar en general a sus dueños.
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Ansiedad y agresión
Nuestro entrenamiento para perros agresivos en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL estudia y corrige comportamientos impulsados por la ansiedad y la agresión, ayudando a tu perro a mantenerse calmado y bien comportado en situaciones desafiantes.
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Protección personal
Nuestro entrenamiento para perros de protección en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL Refuerza la lealtad de tus perros, enseñándoles a responder eficazmente a amenazas y proteger tu hogar y familia.
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County - {meta_title}
Clases grupales
Nuestras clases grupales de entrenamiento para perros en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL ofrecen un entorno estructurado donde tus perros pueden aprender y practicar habilidades esenciales mientras socializan con otros perros y sus dueños.

Escuche a nuestros clientes

Aprenda por qué los dueños de perros eligen Dog Training Elite

  • robin harvey
    Jan. 14, 2025
    This experience has been so positive for not only our dog but for us as well. The skills and confidence I’ve gained in helping my dog be the best version of himself have been life changing. We are dog lovers but have rescued some challenging dogs. This time I’ve been given the skills to help my dog overcome his history. I’m so thankful to Shelly and Graham.
  • Anthony Merva
    Dec. 18, 2024
    I was very impressed with the training that my dog and I received. The staff is professional and communicates well with appointments and any questions. The trainers are very knowledgeable, helpful, and take the training very seriously. I see an amazing difference in my dog. I will be back for some more advanced training. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for training. Don’t waste your money with anyone else! Thank you Graham and Shelley.
  • Chelsea Redner
    Dec. 17, 2024
    I can't recommend this dog training enough! It truly is an investment— but hands down, the best one I've ever made. My dog was a rescue, and he came with a lot of fear and anxiety, terrified of almost everything. He wouldn’t listen to me at all, and I felt helpless. But after working with this team, my dog's transformation has been incredible. He’s become more confident, calm, and responsive. The trainers have helped him completely change his attitude and approach to the world around him. The staff is also beyond amazing—friendly, supportive, and so knowledgeable. They take the time to explain why my dog behaves the way he does, and why the training techniques work. It’s clear they genuinely care about both the dogs and the owners, and they tailor everything to my dog’s specific needs. I’ve seen results I never thought possible, and I can’t thank them enough for the positive changes in my dog's behavior. 10/10, worth every penny!
  • Matt
    Dec. 5, 2024
    Took our brand new 3-4month puppy, Bear, here for a gold course by the time the first week was done, we knew we wanted to upgrade to platinum, The course helped with all the main foundations that Bear needed. She was always a good dog but super hyper being a puppy and let that get to her a lot of the time, the course has truly taught her self control. Paired with the platinum coming with unlimited group classes for life, we are set up for success with Bear and are still learning everyday. Would definitely recommend to anyone
  • Marcy Howard
    Nov. 18, 2024
    Fabulous experience! We signed up two rowdy, hard headed dogs and now have two well trained darlings in our family!
  • Lynn Sparks
    Oct. 24, 2024
    I love Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast! I adopted a very high energy one year old lab/rhodesian ridgeback mix rescue. I’ve always had dogs but he was a handful and I was beginning to believe he was too much for me but was in love with him. So for the first time ever I decided to try a professional trainer to help train him and myself. I didn’t want to spend the money but now I am so grateful that I did!!! Just after a couple of weeks I could see such a difference in him! I wish I would have done this will all my previous dogs!! Close to finishing his training and this dog is the dog of my dreams. He totally respects me and knows his commands! The Dog Training Elite trainers are phenomenal! They are so nice and very helpful and I highly recommend them!❤️
  • billgelder
    Oct. 15, 2024
    We LOVE all the Trainers at DTE - Treasure Coast. We love the Group Training Classes that are available throughout the week and on the weekends at the Parks around the area. The Trainers are all so professional while also being very personable at the same time. The participants of DTE are all such friendly people - and DOGS! Our Lacy has completed and has earned her Good Citizen Training Certificate. And we are now in training for Hearing Assist Service Dog. Each of the Trainers are so devoted to the program and to their dogs, it's wonderful to watch how well trained their dogs are - it's inspiring. Look for Dog Training Elite in your area for exceptional professional dog training. Lacy says: Everyone smells nice and they have good treats!!!
  • Lee Abbott
    Aug. 9, 2024
    I am a US Air Force veteran and have been looking for a service dog to help me with my mobility problems. Physicians at the Veterans Administration Medical Center felt the same and recommended that I get a service dog and subsequently filled out the necessary paperwork. I approached a veteran’s organization who trains service dogs for veterans, and I selected a dog from them which was a rescued 3-year-old German Shepherd. They recommended that I take her home to bond with her and to see if she was a suitable match, which I did. They said that they would call me within the following month after a training position opened, and then they would provide her training. I took my German Shepard home and bonded with her awaiting a call from this organization. After about four weeks I got a call from them and returned my German Shepard to them for training. I left her with them for almost three weeks which was hard because of the bond that I had established with her. After this three-week period, I got a call to pick up my service dog. She was not trained as I expected, they said that they tried but could not train her because she was “untrainable and not motivated enough for training”. I had no choice but to take my untrained service dog home. Because of the bond that I established with her, there was no way that I would give her up for another dog. I searched the internet for a solution and found an organization called Dog Training Elite-Treasure Coast. I contacted their office and scheduled an appointment for an initial interview with Shelley Walker. She came out to my home the following Saturday and did her evaluation. While she evaluated me, I evaluated her and felt that she was a caring as well as a professional individual. I felt that I could trust her with my new companion and who could be in my opinion she represented the organization I needed for training my dog. She ended the evaluation and stated she would contact. Veterans giving to heroes for their opinion. The following Monday I got a call from her, and she stated that Dog Training Elite-Treasure Coast would train my German Shepard and that the training would be funded by Veterans helping Hero’s. The training program began, and the initial daily training was provided for both of us at their Ft. Pierce location. As the training progressed, I found that my service dog responded well to their training protocol and was responding well to my commands at home. It was amazing how they were able to take an “untrainable and unmotivated “dog and turn it into a trained service dog who is making my life much easier. In addition. I had an excellent interaction with all the trainers and staff at Dog Training Elite-Treasure Coast. It is my opinion that they care about and become a part of the animals and the dog owners that they train. I strongly feel that all the animals that they train are trained in a highly professional manner. I would highly recommend this organization to anyone who is considering training their dog at any of the levels that they provide. Dr. Lee j. Abbott
  • Christine Maglicic
    Feb. 22, 2024
    A very special place to take your 4 legged sweetie to learn good behavior. The trainers give each dog individual time and attention. My 7 month old mini Golden Doodle has learned so much. At the end of the day I was shown what she learned that day to practice with her. After our week of day camp, . group classes are offered. I need them as much as she does! Great experience. The learning continues for us both with the support of the staff. Glad we found them! 🐕
  • Grace Gabrielle Monteiro
    Aug. 1, 2024
    When I had my initial consult with Shelly I had no idea what I was getting myself into and I couldn’t be happier. My health suddenly took a dive about two years ago and I have been trying to find a way to help with my disability. We bumped into another service dog handler and she told us about DTE. I met one of the owners during my consultation and she put me so much at ease. Such a kind, caring person who was so knowledgeable about dogs, and who made me feel so seen. Having a dynamic disability makes it hard for people to believe that I’m sick and she was just like “how can we help” and i felt so validated. Shelley and her team have taken my 2yd GSD and helped our relationship and helped us grow together in our service dog training journey, as well as give me the knowledge to train my other 3 dogs at home. My pup is happy to help me and I am happy to have helping hand and my best friend with me so I don’t have to be scared to go places on my own anymore. I would recommend them to any person in any circumstance. This team has given me community, and given my home such peace. Thank you ❤️ I am forever grateful to you guys
  • May LaRose
    Jul. 11, 2024
    I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation and to highly recommend the outstanding services provided by Dog Training Elite. Our beautiful 10-month-old Giant Schnauzer, Mimi, began her training journey with them a few months ago, and the results have been nothing short of remarkable. Initially, I had my doubts about whether Dog Training Elite could train Mimi to the level they described. Their promises seemed almost too good to be true, and I was skeptical about their ability to deliver. However, I am thrilled to say that they have far exceeded our expectations in every way. The dedication, hard work, and commitment of the Dog Training Elite team have been truly impressive. Mimi has been excelling in her training and is well on her way to becoming a Therapy Dog. The transformation we have seen in her behavior and skills is a testament to the exceptional training methods and the care provided by the team. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Shelly, Sam, Jessica, and the rest of the team at Dog Training Elite. Their professionalism, patience, and genuine love for the animals they work with are evident in everything they do. We cannot thank them enough for the positive impact they have had on our beloved Mimi. If you are considering training for your dog, I wholeheartedly recommend Dog Training Elite. Their services are truly outstanding, and they have made a significant difference in our lives and in Mimi's development. Thank you once again for your exceptional work. Vincent and May
  • D Cortes
    Jun. 19, 2024
    Such an amazing place with such amazing people and trainers. A place that Treats you like family. Their training techniques are amazing, they never stop learning and sharing their knowledge with you. If you stop learning, that’s because you stop showing up. As a veteran, I could not ask for better and knowing that I am always covered and that my dog will do what I need to when I need him There… Because not only do they train the dog, but they also train the human. It’s a package deal. You get out of it what you put into it and if you constantly work with your dog on what they teach You will have great results and have great results and such a loving companion. Honestly, I love this place and I love these people.
  • marissa maniscalco
    Jun. 14, 2024
    Shelley and her crew are amazing! In just a few weeks she helped turn my high energy misbehaved Belgian malinois into a well behaved obedient dog that i can now proudly take any and everywhere with me. With her advanced skills in high energy dogs, Shelley was able to help me get these behaviors under complete control as a first time dog owner. The best part is, she comes to you! Being apart of the learning experience WITH my dog was the most important part to me and shelley exceeded my expectations in every aspect. I highly recommended dog training elite treasure coast if you are considering training of any kind for your furry friend!
  • Randi Jones
    Jun. 9, 2024
    We have a Maltipoo puppy. Having had another that lived 15 years, we knew all the possibilities of the combination of adorable and crazy. One evening, in Tradition Square, I saw a group of incredibly well behaved dogs of all sizes and shapes. I approached the person who seemed to be leading. It was Shelly. We immediately knew we wanted to work with her and the team. While small dogs seem cute, and are often permitted to jump, bark, and misbehave, we wanted better for our guy. Yes, it’s an investment of money, and time, but so worth it. Highly recommend Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast!
  • Scott Malone
    Jun. 1, 2024
    Polly and I started training in Jan 2024 when Polly was just 9 weeks old. The goal was/is to train her up to be a service dog. And we are all on our way having passed all the test to be a service dog in training. When I was having trouble house breaking her, one of the staff member Kristin took her into her home and house broke her for me. Shelly Walker also was able to help me secure some help paying for the training through a veterans charity. Shelly, Graham, Sam, Kristin and Tina couldn’t be more patient training me to work with Polly. Polly has excellent manners and is well behaved. Any dog we get in the future will be trained by these folks. Truly the last dog trainer you’ll neee
  • Norma Kolifrath
    May. 25, 2024
    "We could not have had a more positive experience than with Dog Training Elite. All the trainers are extremely knowledgeable, professional, patient, and positive toward both not only our four legged friends but also their owners. We have learned so much and we are so grateful to have engaged Dog Training Elite as our trainers. We are very grateful for all of the diligence, care, and kindness that the Dog Training Elite trainers have shown our German Shepherd puppy Yana. I would easily and highly recommend them to anyone looking for professional training!
  • Veronica S
    May. 18, 2024
    We are so grateful for having found Dog Training Elite. Graham and Shelley have transformed our busy, energetic pack into a mindful and confident pack. We love the fact that we can now go on walks and outings with peace of mind and confidence to de-escalate unpredictable situations . The group session today was a blast and gave us the opportunity to see other owners successfully training their dogs as well. We will absolutely be sending everyone we can in their direction. Thank you and your team so much for everything and we will see you for another group session soon! ☺️
  • Dolores Pilla
    Apr. 25, 2024
    I am forever grateful to the staff. Their expertise combined with their compassion and understanding of animals is superior. They have given me the tools I need to continue with the training of my dog
  • Chris Levy
    Apr. 17, 2024
    Wow, there’s no words to describe the dramatic change in a very reactive, scared dog, transformed into a confident, well behaved and loved family pet! DTE and the entire staff are dedicated, caring, knowledgeable, professional trainers even with our challenging guy and we can’t thank them enough for making Rocket an enjoyable member of our family. Thanks DTE and I’m glad to be a part of your family and highly recommend anyone who is looking for a well mannered dog training group to consider DTE as their first and only choice. Special thanks to Graham who saw Rockets potential, Sam who finally got the Rocket mans kisses she was looking for, Kristin who put up with the ever so unpredictable attitudes of Rocket in the mornings, Tina and Shelley. You guys ROCK! Ronnie, Chris and Rocket
  • Tropicalwallart Hurricane Rita
    Apr. 14, 2024
    Elite Dog Training is all that you would hope for in a training Center. I brought in my 1.6 year old German Shepherd. The trainers are very friendly and my dog enjoyed all of his visits. He picked up his lessons and seemed happy to learn more each visit. I am very happy with our choice in using Elite Dog Training.

Servicing Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL

Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County Áreas de servicio

A child with their happy, obedient dog with training from Dog Training Elite.

Entrenamos Todas las Razas

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Cada raza de perro tiene comportamientos y personalidades diferentes debido a una combinación de genética, selección de razas y factores ambientales. En Dog Training Elite, trabajamos con todos los perros. Nuestro equipo comprende el comportamiento canino y los desafíos únicos de cada raza.

No creemos en un enfoque único para todos. En su lugar, aplicamos técnicas de entrenamiento específicas para cada raza con el fin de sacar lo mejor para la relación con tu perro. Desde el control de impulsos en terriers hasta la estimulación mental enfocada para razas pastoras, trabajaremos contigo y tu perro para diseñar un plan de entrenamiento personalizado.

Obtenga su consulta gratis

Tú y tu compañero canino realmente podéis tenerlo todo. ¡Vea lo fácil que puede ser convertirse en miembro de la sociedad de cachorros de élite solicitando una consulta gratuita hoy!

Two dog owners with a group of trained dogs.

Entrenamiento de perros en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie, FL

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En Dog Training Elite, hemos visto cómo intentar entrenar a tu perro por tu cuenta puede llevar a resultados inconsistentes y frustración. Nuestros profesionales calificados aportan la experiencia y el conocimiento necesarios para evaluar las necesidades únicas de tu perro y aplicar métodos que realmente funcionan. Elegir entrenadores experimentados marca una diferencia notable en la conducta y aporta cambios para siempre.

Confiamos en el refuerzo positivo, un método de entrenamiento que brinda resultados duraderos, incluso con los perros más desafiantes.

An obedient corgi on a leash after recieving affordable training from Dog Training Elite.

Entrenadores de Perros Asequibles en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie

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En Dog Training Elite, creemos que cada dueño de mascota debe tener acceso a un entrenamiento canino experto sin arruinarse. Nuestros programas de entrenamiento son de precios justos y asequibles, para que el costo nunca sea una barrera para tener un perro bien educado y feliz. Ya sea que busques entrenamiento básico de obediencia, modificación de comportamiento especializada o entrenamiento avanzado para perros de servicio, nuestros programas se adaptan a varios presupuestos, no tengas duda en hablar con nosotros.

Invertir en el entrenamiento de tu perro es una de las mejores decisiones que puedes tomar para la felicidad y salud a largo plazo de tu mascota. Un entrenamiento adecuado ayuda a frenar comportamientos no deseados, reduce la ansiedad y construye un vínculo fuerte y duradero entre ustedes. Al ofrecer entrenamiento canino de bajo costo sin comprometer la calidad, nuestros entrenadores de perros en Treasure Coast / Port St. Lucie hacen posible que más familias y perros se beneficien de vivir la experiencia plena de un entrenamiento canino profesional.

A well-trained DTE dog on a surfboard.
Dog Training Elite Treasure Coast / North PB County light star icon.

Educar, empoderar, elevar, élite

Libera el potencial de tu perro

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Vea un perro de élite en acción

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