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Summertime Dog Care Guide in Katy

August 15, 2024

On those perfect dog days when the sun is shining brightly in Katy, it's only natural to take your dog outside. But hot summer days are also a time when dog owners can face some unique challenges. Here is some comprehensive advice to make sure that you're providing the best dog care in Katy this summer — keeping your four-legged family member safe, healthy, and happy.

Dog Training Elite Katy offers elite dog training services to keep your dog safe during summer.

Water Safety for Dogs

Katy is surrounded by water, making it an ideal place for your dog to swim and cool off. However, water safety is important. Always supervise your dog around water, whether at the beach or by the pool. Consider investing in a doggy life vest, especially if your dog isn't a strong swimmer. Also, be mindful of rocky areas and avoid places where venomous snakes like the Timber Rattlesnake and Northern Copperhead are known to frequent. Keeping your dog safe near water is just as important as keeping them cool.

Beat the Heat During the Dog Days of Summer

Hot dog! The Long Summer is here and, while the canines of the city can certainly tolerate some warm weather, soaring temperatures can be tough on a dog, particularly those with thick fur coats. Watch your dog carefully for signs of overheating. Make sure your dog has a lot of shady areas and fresh water available at all times.

If you suspect your pet is dehydrated, a quick test is to gently pull the skin around the scruff of their neck up and letting it go. If it does not immediately retract to normal position, your pet is dehydrated and needs fluids quickly. Do not let them drink overly cold fluids, as this can be dangerous, but get them out of the heat when possible with access to plenty to drink.

A dog standing in front of a fan - keep you pet safe this summer with expert tips from Dog Training Elite in Katy, TX!

Signs of Heatstroke in Dogs

Heat stroke is no joke; dogs have died from it! So avoid the hot car! When a dog is overheated, its vital signs will tell you it's time to chill! Dogs overheat when they are panting beyond their normal level, they are drooling a lot more, an elevated heart rate, and they are only moving when they have to be. Body temperature will rise faster than it can be relieved, so help them cool off, but not too fast as that can shock their system.

To help keep your dog cool down move them to a cool area immediately, wipe them down with a cool, damp cloth (NOT WET), offer small amounts of water, and let them stand in water (just not too cold) as dogs can only sweat through their paws. This will allow them to cool off without a sudden shock.

Carefully monitor your dog for signs of heat stroke, which will include dark red or blue-purple gums, being unstable or collapsing, or even seizures. These are signs that your pet's health is critical and needs to be seen by a vet NOW!

Preventive measures are key—avoid taking your dog out during peak heat hours, and never leave them in a parked car, even for a few minutes.

A puppy standing on the sidewalk with their owner - learn the importance of summertime safety for dogs and protecting their paws from ashphalt heat with Dog Training Elite Katy.

Asphalt Awareness: Protect Those Paws

A walk on a sunny day might seem harmless, but hot asphalt can pose a significant threat to your dog. When the air temperature reaches 77 degrees, asphalt can heat up to a scorching 125 degrees, causing severe burns in less than a minute. Before heading out, check the ground with the back of your hand. If it's too hot for you, it's too hot for your dog. Stick to grassy areas or take your walks early in the morning or late in the evening when the ground is cooler.

A dog laying outside next to a summer drink - keep dogs hydrated and happy during the summertime in Katy, TX.

Dog Hydration: The Key to a Healthy Summer

Keeping your dog hydrated is essential during Katy's summer. Always carry water and a portable bowl when you're out and about. Encourage your dog to drink frequently, and if they're not interested, try offering ice cubes as a treat. Keeping water available to soak paws can also help your pet cool down if they get overheated. This simple step can make a world of difference in maintaining their overall well-being.

Customized Katy Dog Training for Outdoor Adventures

Summer is a great time to explore Katy's parks and trails, but your dog needs to be well-trained to enjoy these experiences fully. Dog Training Elite of Central Mass offers customized in-home dog training and facility dog training to help reinforce recall training and boost your dog's confidence outdoors. With proper training, your dog will be ready to accompany you on any adventure, ensuring safety and fun for both of you.

A dog and their owner on an outside adventure - get elite dog training in Katy, TX with Dog Training Elite.

Summer-Ready Dogs with Dog Training Elite of Central Mass

To truly enjoy the summer with your dog in Katy, it's essential to stay vigilant and proactive about their care. By following these tips, you'll keep your dog healthy, happy, and safe all season long. If you want to ensure your dog is well-prepared for summer activities, our expert team at Dog Training Elite of Central Mass is here to help. From in-home training to outdoor readiness, we're dedicated to helping your dog thrive in any environment. Let's make this summer the best one yet for you and your furry friend!

Dog Training Elite Katy
Dog Training Elite Katy
Facility Drop Off/Pickup Hours
Visit Us At Our Facility
180 Applewhite Dr

Katy, TX 77450
Call 713-301-5040

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You and your canine companion really can have it all. See how easy it can be to become a member of the elite pup society by requesting a free consultation today!

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Get to know the dedicated professionals behind Dog Training Elite Katy. Our team of experienced trainers is passionate about helping dogs and their owners build strong, lasting bonds. Learn about their backgrounds, expertise, and what drives them to deliver the highest level of training in the industry.
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At Dog Training Elite Katy, we’re proud to be an active part of the community we serve. Check out recent events in our area where we’ve had the privilege to participate in local events, support fellow small businesses, and promote responsible dog ownership.