Group Classes will be canceled for the next few weeks as we are being advised to limit group interactions. Thank you for being flexible during these uncertain times. We will continue to keep you updated about our response to COVID-19 as the situation unfolds in Katy, TX.
Dear Friends,
Unfortunately, the risk of COVID-19 spread has made the regular operation of Dog Training Elite impossible. We are now offering virtual estimates and adjusted training programs that are in line with social distancing protocols. Group Classes will be canceled for the next few weeks as we are being advised to limit group interactions.
Our virtual evaluations and board and train program have been developed to run safely in accordance with all CDC and WHO recommendations. Dogs will only interact with trainers during training hours and all training tools and surfaces will be highly sanitized before and after use. Please remember that the CDC has noted there is no evidence that dogs can catch COVID-19 from humans. Contact us today for more information on our updated programs.
Although group class is temporarily canceled, this is an opportunity to practice training with your dog at home.
There's a lot you can do right from your home to keep your dog sharp! We look forward to training with you in the coming weeks.. As always, contact your trainer with any questions.
You and your canine companion really can have it all. See how easy it can be to become a member of the elite pup society by requesting a free consultation today!