With the holidays rolling in, you may wonder what treats are safe for your pup. Learn about it with Dog Training Elite in Katy, TX!
With the holidays rolling in, there is sure to be lots of baking and yummy smells coming from the kitchen. And if you have a furry friend running around, they will be looking for tasty morsels dropped on the floor. You may wonder if your pup can partake in any delicious holiday foods, specifically pumpkin pie. So, can dogs have pumpkin pie?
The simple answer is no; dogs cannot have pumpkin pie. However, the problem is not with pumpkins. The problem is with an ingredient that usually accompanies the tasty dessert: nutmeg. Nutmeg contains a compound called myristicin which is toxic to pets. This compound can cause disorientation, hallucinations, high blood pressure, seizures, and other dangerous symptoms when ingested in high doses. So keep foods containing nutmeg away from your dog, and ensure they can't get a hold of the spice container.
If your dog happens to snag a slice of pumpkin pie, you don't need to stress too much. Your dog will probably get a tummy ache and not feel great while it works through their system, but they should be fine. However, if they got ahold of the nutmeg spice container, you should seek help immediately.
While pumpkin pie is not safe for your dog due to nutmeg, plain pumpkin is a wonderful snack for your dog! Pumpkin is an excellent source of fiber and can help your dog's digestion. It can also add a little shine to your dog's coat and skin. Add a tablespoon or two of plain pumpkin puree to your dog's food for a delicious and beneficial holiday treat.
When purchasing pumpkin puree from the grocery store, double–check your labels. Plain pumpkin can is often stored next to pumpkin pie filling and can look very similar. Be sure not to feed your dog pumpkin pie filling by accident!
Suppose you aren't a fan of pumpkin pie or are planning on having multiple pies this Thanksgiving. In that case, you might wonder if any other pies are safe or dangerous.
As a general rule, don't feed your dog "human food" with dairy, butter, salt, or other seasonings. These things can be harmful and upsetting to your dog. So pie crusts or sugary fillings are not safe for your dog. However, the key ingredients to many popular pies can be safe. We've made a list of which common pie ingredients are safe or unsafe for your dog to eat.
If you have questions about other holiday foods and what is safe for your furry friend to eat, check out our blog, where we go over what Thanksgiving foods are safe for your dog and what foods you should avoid.
If your furry friend gets a little too excited about the delicious foods at the dinner table and loudly begs or whines, you may benefit from some begging behavior training with Dog Training Elite in Katy, TX! The professionals at Dog Training Elite have years of experience with training dogs and can handle any training needs you have. Request an in-home evaluation today, and let us help correct that pesky dinner table begging!
You and your canine companion really can have it all. See how easy it can be to become a member of the elite pup society by requesting a free consultation today!