If you are starting out with a brand new Labrador puppy or need some help with your full grown dog, Dog Training Elite's personalized in-home training programs can help you develop a strong bond and harness all of the incredible benefits of the breed.
Labradors are a highly intelligent breed that loves to please, making Labrador training in Myrtle Beach, SC a breeze. Working in your own home, a Dog Training Elite trainer will create a personalized training plan for you and your pet, addressing any unique needs or issues they may have.
If you need training for you puppy, socialization is a great place to start. Once they have completed obedience training, Dog Training Elite Grand Strand offers puppy group classes which is a great way to help your puppy socialize with other dogs and people, as well as learn to obey you in a distracting environment.
While beginning Labrador puppy training at an early age can be important and extremely helpful for dogs, if you adopt an older Labrador dog don’t worry! Our specific breed training works with older dogs too, and training your Labrador will be a snap with their eager-to-please attitude.
See Training PackagesLabradors have been the No. 1 most popular dog breed in America for close to three decades. It’s not hard to understand why – Labradors are playful, energetic, smart, and friendly. They make great companions for individuals and families and generally get along with children and other pets.
Although high-energy, Labradors are laidback and easy going, unfazed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Bred originally to be working dogs, their intelligence makes them a great option for service or therapy dogs.
You and your canine companion really can have it all. See how easy it can be to become a member of the elite pup society by requesting a free consultation today!
There are many reasons to love Labradors. Here are just a few:
Although Labradors are famously laid back and friendly, that doesn’t mean they don’t require attentive care. If you’re considering adopting a Labrador, or you already have one and want to learn more about how to keep your pup happy and healthy, consider the following:
The Dog Training Elite Grand Strand training method is based around classical conditioning. Classical conditioning means developing conditioned or automatic reflexes to commands, so when you say “sit,” your dog will sit automatically. Labradors respond especially well to this technique and our trainers will focus on positive reinforcement training for your Labrador puppy.
While all dogs share qualities of kindness, loyalty and intelligence regardless of breed, Dog Training Elite Grand Strand recognizes that every dog is an individual and may require different training methods. We stand out by taking into consideration what breed your dog is when making training goals.
Regardless of your dogs specific breed, Dog Training Elite Grand Strand can help you and your pup overcome any obstacle related to obedience and socialization. Our unique techniques ensure our program is a success no matter what behavior we encounter.
Ready to turn your Labrador into the best companion for you or your family? Contact us today to receive a free in-home assessment or Labrador training demonstration.